Please visit Ryan Parton Writing Solutions, Comox Valley copy writer

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Last updated: Feb. 1, 2005

Started in: Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
Finished in: Puerta La Cruz, Venezuela
Kilometres cycled: 8,989
Countries visited: 9
Times hit by vehicles: 1

From January to November of 2004, I embarked upon an epic bike trip from the southern extreme of South America, on the shores of the Beagle Channel in Tierra del Fuego, north toward Venezuela´s palm-studded Caribbean coast. Along the way, I traversed 9 countries and experienced a multitude of unforgettable moments, some bad but the majority good.

Atravesando Fronteras is Spanish for “Crossing Borders.” Sure, I crossed the ones you see on a map, but the ones I'm really referring to are the borders in our minds that exist subconsciously and limit our own perceived capabilities. They're the borders that say "You can't do it," and so prevent you from even trying. Atravesando Fronteras is about conquering inhibition and blurring the line between dreams and reality.

I've tried to make this web site as helpful as possible to people who may be planning similar bike trips. If you can think of other ways to improve the site, or think I can help you with your own trip planning, please email me from the link at the bottom left.

Thanks for visiting my site, and I encourage you to cross your own borders and strive for your own goals, whatever they may be.

"Whatever you can do or imagine, begin it;
boldness has beauty, magic and power in it."


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